Magnus™ Monitors Testimonial "From a young age I have loved technology as I believed it would benefit us all. Many people my age are scared to touch technology but my advice is to jump right in."When ..
Never run out of SFGOThe Glen Fuels agri customers across three sectors - dairy, tillage and dry stock - require a full tank of SFGO 24/7.Dipping the oil tank with a stick does not yield an accurate r..
Heating Oil Tank MonitorMagnus™ Monitors Testimonial "From a young age I have loved technology as I believed it would benefit us all. Many people my age are scared to touch technology but my advice is..
The Perfect Addition to Your Home Oil Heating SystemKingspan Titan R900 Home Heating Oil TankEvery Spring we encourage all heating oil users to check the integrity of their heating oil tank. Click her..
Farms Always Need SFGOThe Glen Fuels agricultural customers across three sectors - dairy, tillage and dry stock - require a full tank of SFGO 24/7.Using a stick to dip the oil tank is not an exact sci..
How to Budget for Heating Oil “Never run out of heating oil” is our main advice to oil-fired households. A pipeline runs between the oil tank and the burner. An empty oil tank creates air pockets alon..